Thursday, 29 November 2012

Dammit!! I'm not kinky? I'm typical??

I just came across this article in Psychology Today about D/s and BDSM. The author's position is that domination/submission is a rather normal part of everybody's sexuality from Vanilla to all shades of sexy. Here is the gist of what he said...
"The venerable erotic subculture of BDSM is not an atypical variant of human sexuality. Rather, its enthusiasts intensely focus on one of the most basic and universal--and typical--components of human sexuality. They were the first to identify the primal dominance/submission cue in the neuropsychology of the humanbrain and hold it up to the light. All contemporary textbooks rightly include a prominent chapter on sexual orientation. Perhaps future textbooks will afford dominance orientation the same attention, instead of relegating it to the status of unorthodox paraphilia."
Here's the link for the full article
This isn't as far out as it used to be but I don't think there's going to be a spanking land at Disneyland, but if they did I'm sure it would by good! :)

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